JUNE 25-28
Abstract submission
Guidelines for preparation and submission of abstracts

The scientific program of the congress will be organized into topical sessions. The list of topics can be viewed here.

During submission, the authors may select a topic in which the abstract most appropriately fit. However, the organisers maintain the right to redirect the abstract to another topic. Please note, that abstracts for oral presentations should be submitted not later than March 15, 2025 while the deadline for poster presentations is April 30, 2025.

  • Abstracts may be submitted via internet only. Abstracts submitted via other channels will not be accepted.
  • All abstracts must be prepared in English.
  • Each presenting author may upload only one abstract.
  • For the preparation of abstracts the MS Word template should be used.
Abstract template
Abstract template
Abstract template
.docx format
Using this template is mandatory for the acceptance!

It is the authors’ responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any error in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author. The submitted abstracts can be seen, modified or deleted anytime when the online abstract submission is open.

Once the abstract has been submitted, modified or deleted, the corresponding author will automatically receive an acknowledgement of receipt, modification or cancellation (by email). Correspondence regarding the abstracts such as confirmation of submission, notification of acceptance or rejection and instructions for presentation will only be sent to the corresponding author. It is his/her responsibility to forward the information to all co-authors. The presenting author is required to register for the Congress and pay the registration fee as a condition of presenting the paper and publishing the abstract in the Book of Abstracts.

Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent within two weeks after the relevant deadline.

Guidelines for Oral presentations

In general, keynote presentations are 40 minutes, section highlight presentations are 25 minutes and standard oral presentations are 15 minutes including discussion.

Further instructions are to be announced later.

Guidelines for Poster presentations

Instructions are to be announced later.

Upcoming deadlines
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